Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's summer time, summer time, sum-sum-summer time.

Holy Crap.
It's been a while.
Since my last post:
Steph finished the first year (of 3) of her MBA. (Whoo!)
The LOTR thing went away.
Worked on an football game port. (not fun)
Studied Maya's dynamics. A lot.
Scraped the popcorn ceiling out of the hallway. Sanded and painted it too.
Painted Steph's office (the 2nd bedroom).
Made a tornado out of particle sprites (composited against a local baseball field).
Started a lot of personal projects but finished few.
Started updating my website.
Starting learning Houdini. (mmmmn, proceduralism rocks!)

I'm adding details to a Frankenstein head I started last year. Once the sculpting is done, then I start on the texture map. I'm going to finish this one. REALLY! Then that sucker's going on the demo reel.
I need to focus more. I have this tendency to spread out lot's of things in front of me, so there's soooo much to do that I get overwhelmed. And I keep piling things onto the to do list:
"Ooooh, I should learn Python!"
"I need to learn matrix math and linear algebra!!"( so I can figure out how to do this one little thing in Maya)
"Oooh, that Houdini DVD on building cities proceduraly looks awesome!"

Dude. Focus.
Do it.
I'm trying.