Sunday, July 31, 2005

I'm going to Burrr...ning Man!
Whoot, whoot!
Decided to make a shade structure, got started cutting the PVC today. Probably going to change the design a bit before going any further. Needs some modular screw-in components added to make on-site assembly and disassembly easier. I'm alternately afraid of it either falling apart while we're using it, or not coming apart when we pack up to leave. It'd be nice to have the rebar tent stakes bent at the end into an L-shape too, to help with holding this thing down. Kind of waffling on the reflective mylar I was planning on ordering. Just an added cost, and I don't want to spend too much money.

Things on the list to get:

Beef Jerky (or any other kind of jerky)
Powdered Gatorade
Canned Tuna
Canned Veggies (Corn, Peas, Beans)
(Check store for sealed non-refrigerated plastic packages of veggies & meat)
WATER x21 2.5 gallon containers
Coffee Concentrate (from coffee bean and tea leaf)
Matcha Powder (or Matcha Cappuccino mix)

Plastic Bags (big black)
Portable Air Pump (with car adapter)
Bullfrog Waterproof sunscreen (highest SPF I can find)
Gaffer's Tape (or duct tape if too expensive)

to be continued...

Friday, July 08, 2005

Nothing to see here...

Ok, I had to grab this blog name before anyone else did.